Jewish Centred Projects
אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה - I am what I am
(Queer Tallit Gadol)
Golem Becoming
Excepts from performance/video art piece
(2:39 of total 7:45)
A community protector, carer, healer: Through language permutation (using Sefer Yetzirah) and poetry, I created a formula to keep this Golem within community, and away from violence and corruption (read aloud in video). This golem was made with clay letters and organic materials gathered in thresholds, along with my own body.
עיבור / דיבוק
Dybbuk / Ibbur
A ceremony, a discussion, a possession. Acting as their hands, I carry out the instinctual paths of my ancestral spirits. The ritual is a healing process for intergenerational trauma and the spirits themselves: the care-full waters of the Ibbur tames the fires of the Dybbuk - mutually sustaining their never ending goals to find closure. I make space for them, mourn them, and celebrate their wisdom as their host.
I'm sorry for being sorry
Excepts from performance/video art piece
(0:45 of total 4:20)
A reclamation of Tashlikh, holding its meditative beauty while processing the trauma it carries through queer ritual and prayer revision: eating guilt that once consumed me, casting off the notion of sin.
A symbol for the eternal flame, for resilience, for resistance- held within a tear drop, both heavy and delicate, intriguing and abject - balancing perseverance with the grief; complicating idealistic revolution.
Ohr Ein Sof
A symbol for the omnipresence of the light of the Infinite, made in rust - a meditation on the innate divinity of endless processes of change and falling apart.