golem becoming
sticks, dry grass, twine, terra cotta clay
golem scroll
graphite on natural paper, cotton thread, fox bones, cotton fabric
I tried to make a golem - a community protector, a carer, a healer, one to fight harm rather than cause it. Through language permutation (using Sefer Yetzirah) and poetry, I created a formula that I hoped would keep this being within community and away from violence and corruption (which it tends to gravitate toward in folklore). This golem's body was made from organic materials gathered in thresholds and clay letters - made with a combination of tradition and reinterpretation. During the activation ritual my golem broke - and I came to the realization that I could never make one, I have to become one.
excerpt reel (2:45) of video piece (7:45)
Hover for audio
אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה - I am what I am
wool, silk, cotton, red cabbage dye, screen printing ink, terra cotta clay
click to expand